Stories of the South S1 EP4 | Bounty Hunter
Eyrewoolf is thrilled to be featured in @southaustralia S1 EP4 of Stories of the South | Bounty Hunter.
It is a privilege to have the opportunity to showcase our unique occupation and the sustainable fishing
practices of the South Australian abalone industry. Featured is our family island the pristine Flinders
Island SA and the Eyre Peninsula coastline where we work and play. We hope you enjoy this snippet of
our lifestyle..

Thanks to the team at @southaustralia for the words and filming.
“Every winter swell that blows into the Eyre Peninsula brings a
fervour for the pursuit of a prized but perilous bounty. For abalone
diving duo Tobin and Jonas Woolford (of @eyrewoolfabalone), their
valiant day job of harvesting wild caught abalone is built on an
unbreakable bond of trust. It’s a dangerous profession, but for these
experienced ocean men, they have pushed the limits of their physicality
diving to the sea floor for eight hours a day for the last 24 years. The
brothers’ childhood home was #FlindersIsland – an eleven kilometre
long by five kilometre wide private island 17 nautical miles off the coast
of the @eyrepeninsula. With a kitchen sink window overlooking the
Southern Ocean, a grassy airplane landing strip just beyond the back door and school lessons over the wireless,
these brothers were destined for an adventurous future”.
Watch the full story at